On this morning, Anthea’s worst fear came true, Cooper fell in the swimming pool. Thanks to her life jacket, she was kept afloat until Anthea could grab her by the safety handles and lift her out.

On this morning, Anthea’s worst fear came true, Cooper fell in the swimming pool. Thanks to her life jacket, she was kept afloat until Anthea could grab her by the safety handles and lift her out.
Do you have a hugely active dog, who just never seems to get enough exercise? Breeds like the Malinois, Dutch Shepherd, Collies, Kelpies and many others have a very high need for movement to keep them physically and mentally happy. Camouflage dogs The other challenge, is certain breeds like the Dutchie, Kelpie, and Mali, can […]
Muttley Crew Know How The Muttley Crew, as we have mentioned previously, is made up of a group of rescue dogs and their significant humans. With rescues we are never really certain what good or bad things they have experienced in life, and what will trigger fear associated behaviour or not. Taking the time for […]