Do you have a hugely active dog, who just never seems to get enough exercise? Breeds like the Malinois, Dutch Shepherd, Collies, Kelpies and many others have a very high need for movement to keep them physically and mentally happy.
Camouflage dogs

The other challenge, is certain breeds like the Dutchie, Kelpie, and Mali, can all blend into their environment due to colour and coat texture. A loving owner’s worst nightmare is losing a dog, especially one who can travel many kilometers in the blink of an eye.
With busy urban lifestyles, and particularly in winter, you are probably exercising your fitness mad canines in the dark, either in the morning or evening, or even both both. If you run, cycle or walk in the gloomy parts of the day, the chances are that you wear some form of high visibility clothing, to prevent accidents and injury. Even if you run or walk with your dog on a lead, they are at risk of drivers, cyclists and other exercise addicts not seeing them till it is too late.
Added to that, should your dog, slip a collar or lead, you would battle to spot and track them, which spells certain disaster.
The Speed Merchants
Those same breeds and many others are so active and fast, that one minute they are with you, you blink and they’re gone. There is very little worse than not seeing your precious pooch in sight, the feeling of panic about what might happen is crippling.
The Aqua Pups

For those who spend a lot of time around bodies of water and on boats, know that shadows, choppy water and poor visibility conditions, can make it impossible to spot something as small as a dog in the water.
RDD High Visibility Active / Safety Range
RDD High visibility Jogger / Walker Jacket

Available in High Vis Green or Orange, with added reflective stripes. One reflective stripe runs down the spine and two run around the chest on the straps, ensuring that your dog is visible from all angles. The lightweight mesh stays as cool as possible, while stable enough to not shift and cause discomfort while they are running and playing.
RDD Advanced Life Jacket

Available in Yellow and Red (sometimes Blue), the lightweight water resistant outer fabric encases, flotation material to help keep your “man overboard” pet afloat. 15mm thick flotation material runs down the back of the jacket with thinner layers forming the sides and a double layer assisting with supporting the sternum and body from below, and across the chest to keep the head up. The benefits are that the jacket remains light and holds its shape.
The Life Jacket also incorporates handles to assist your pet out of the water. Under 8 kgs, has one handle, and over has two.

PLEASE NOTE – As we never know when an accident may occur, many of the “normal” RDD products incorporate high visibility tape or stitching.
It is ALWAYS a good idea, to make sure that your dog has current contact details on their collar or jacket, as well as a microchip with UP TO DATE information, your fur child will thank you for the rapid reunion in the event that they get lost.